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Stereolab 中国巡演取消通知 | Stereolab China Tour Cancelled

时间:2020-08-03 06:10


怀着沉重的心情以及对中国人民的深切关怀,我们宣布 Stereolab 原定于今年 3 月的中国巡演取消。


Dear Stereolab fans

It is with heavy hearts and a deep concern for the people of China that we announce the cancellation of the Stereolab tour in March.

The tour has been a long time in the works, and we truly understand how much people were looking forward to finally seeing the band in China. We are still hoping to reschedule these shows - watch this space for news.

关于退款,247 (contact@247tickets.com) 会给每一位购票乐迷发邮件告知退款操作流程,请注意查收。如果有任何疑问,欢迎随时与我们联系,我们将竭尽所能为您提供帮助!

Regarding refunds, 247 (contact@247tickets.com) will email all ticket holders to let each of you know the next steps. If you have any questions, please feel free to let us know. We will do everything we can to help!


Thank you for your support and understanding. We hope that this situation improves soon so that we can enjoy live entertainment in China again soon.

